Have you ever had someone introduce you to just the right person? A long-time client just recently introduced me to Ruth Ross, who is fast becoming one of the leading champions of the “reengagement revolution.” Meeting Ruth was inspiring and reinvigorating for me. I thought you’d enjoy her message on how to re-engage yourself in your career.
I just bought her new book Coming Alive: The Journey To Re-engage Your Life And Career. A successful HR executive for Fortune 500 companies for over 30 years, Ruth’s own career story is one of waking up from the invisible pain of disengagement, realizing she’d begun sleepwalking through her own career. In her book and speaker series, Ruth addresses the personal and organizational cost of disengagement. I really love how Ruth focuses on what organizations can do to help employees re-engage, and what each one of us can do for ourselves to re-engage.
Here’s a great article Ruth just had published in the Huffington Post that I think you’ll appreciate about re-engaging in your workplace called You Can Be Invisible, Even in a Visible Role.
Wishing you professional passion,