Ah, summer vacation. While I’m lucky enough not to be chained to a traditional work schedule, there’s just something about taking a vacation in the summer that is so compelling.
Maybe it’s escaping one environment for another when the days feel slow and motivation is (sometimes) fleeting. Or, maybe that’s because something special happens to me every single time I go on vacation.
You might call it perspective. You might attribute it to the power of rest and relaxation. Whatever it is it’s always the same result: an ah-ha moment. This a-ha moment often turns into a whole series of thoughts, which form a plan and inspire action.
I’ve realized over the years these thoughts were what my heart, mind and body really wanted. When I take these thoughts seriously, magic can happen. They are my emotional compass, pointing me in a direction that I couldn’t see through the haze of my normal life.
I’ve made many fantastic, life-altering decisions on vacation about my career and the business I want to run. On my most recent time away, I was able to dig deep on a finer point in my coaching business: the type of people that I want to work with.
Many of us have already taken our summer vacations and we’re knee-deep in our vacation thoughts. My advice? Embrace them. Write them down. Re-read them and look for patterns and feelings that arise.
But don’t stop there. Use the time during and after your time off to push past the thought stage and start take inspired action, even if the steps are small or you don’t know where to start.
If you’re ready to take action in your career, whether it’s designing a new one or growing in the one you currently have, you’re probably looking for an action plan. You’re in good company. Talk it up with friends. Sign up for a class or seminar. Take a look around here – there are a lot of actionable tips in the free resources we provide.
If you’re really ready to move forward and want help, contact us for a free introductory coaching session.